The Hands of Hope Romania website has now undergone its major redesign.
It still needs a few changes, but soon the original Pig Project site will direct visitors to the new Hands of Hope Romania site.
It still needs a few changes, but soon the original Pig Project site will direct visitors to the new Hands of Hope Romania site.
Wen we met you treat me with respect,so i whil be sensier with you:
i am hapy you didnt send the money rodica asked for the litle sick child,not all the money was programd for this litle one.
you should check more,now you speak all moste good romanian,
please speak with the people you think you helping because if 10% go at them it is a lot.
Im sory dont say my name,bat i wil have big trabels with the people you trust and they think you are sucker.
And the weekly food?is mantly.
There are romanian people who know evrithig-more then you what is going on.
Sou if you want to help the people you say you help please check seriosli who realy have received the money,food,clothes and evrihing else(whay the dutch-christians dont help enimore?).
You having a big hart with global economi problems goin on and you want to help with wath you kan-but ownly one famili receifes oll now and the rest stil suffers .Y hope it wil put you to think a litle because everithing y say to you and some more stuf i seen put me and my congregation to think twais.Thankyu.